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Question 3:

What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?


Frontline is a company that I could use to distribute my product as it is the leading magazine sales, marketing, and distribution company in the UK. 42% of magazine category for sales, marketing, and distribution is owned by Frontline. By using Frontline to distribute my product, I would be more likely to get my product to a larger amount of my target audience. This is because due to Frontline's large scale distribution (55,000 retailers across the UK and Ireland) my audience would be more likely to see my magazine, while a smaller distribution company would not be able to widespread my magazine as much.


Another company that could distribute my magazine is the company COMAG. They have approximately a 23% share of the UK's newsstand market and around 30% of third party business available. COMAG has a wide range of distributors for all different genre's of magazine so I would likely find it easier to distribute my magazine with this company. COMAG also has a wider range of services that would help with distribution, including barcode production, finishing services, and marketing. Due to this, I believe COMAG would be the best magazine distributor for me to use as it would be more helpful for a smaller magazine against competition of larger magazines.

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