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Audience Research...

To find how I should appeal to my audience, and who my audience would be, I created an online survey on the website "survey monkey" which was then sent around to people in my college so I could recieve feedback. I knew that even though I wanted to create a magazine aimed at the rock genre for people my own age, that this could help me include other influences into my magazine to appeal to a wider audience.

To find how I should appeal to my audience, and who my audience would be, I created an online survey on the website "survey monkey" which was then sent around to people in my college so I could recieve feedback. I knew that even though I wanted to create a magazine aimed at the rock genre for people my own age, that this could help me include other influences into my magazine to appeal to a wider audience.

This is the email I sent to my teacher's with a request to send the link around for students to answer my survey.

Survey Results...

The first question I asked was the gender of my respondents. This would give me insight intowho the consumers of my magazine would be. There was quite an even split, with slightly more females answering my survey. This allowed me to know that I could lean towards appealing to the female demographic as more females took the survey than males and focus on that aspect for my magazine.

The second question asked the age of my audience, purely to affirm that I was aiming at 16-18 year olds so that I could focus on that demographic. This also let me know that the following answers were purely the opinions of 16-18 year olds.

My third question was to ask my audience how often they read music magazines, and I found that my audience read magazine's very rarely. This let me know that not only should I create a magazine that focused around larger intervals of time, but also that I needed to create a magazine that would encourage people who do not often read music magazine's to read them more often.

My fourth question was a tricky one, as I knew that I wanted to create a rock magazine. However, with the knowledge that the majority of my audience's were a fan of the pop genre, I knew to include influences of the pop genre. This meant that even though they may not enjoy the rock genre, the pop style could encourage them to read the magazine.

My fifth question was to ask how much people would be willing to pay for a magazine, this not only let me know what price to put on my cover but also how much content should be in the contents page, as I feel a more expensive magazine would have more included within it.

The sixth question I asked was what my audience noticed most on a magazine cover, so that I knew what to focus on when creating my own. The overwhelming majority decided that the artist was the key, with only two people disagreeing. Thanks to this, I know that the picture of the artist should be the most prominent thing on the page.

I used my seventh and final question to figure out what people most looked forwards to in a magazine. This let me know what to include the most of within my contents and what my main story should be. The vast majority of my audience decided that interviews were the most interesting part of a magazine to them, and so I made my main story an interview with the artist on the cover.

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