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Contents Page Production...

I decided from the very start of my magazine that I wanted the bottom and top of my magazine contents page to have a black box that I would use white font in to create negative space between the title of "contents" and the white background. I felt like this use of black and white colouring would help me stick to the stereotype of the rock genre being very dark and dull.

I placed my stories on the edges of the contents, using numbers in the same highlight colour as my cover to seperate stories and inform the audience of which page the story belongs to. I felt that by placing the stories towards the edges, they would create a border alongside the text at the top and the bottom of my page so that I could fill the centre with image, as well as to keep the stories organised and easy to navigate.

I included a fake web address at the top of my page as I had noticed in the magazine's I researched that many of them included links to webpages or social media. 

I highlighted tried to make my use of images and highlighting of the stories seem more like grafitti rather than professional, as a feel like the more rebellious look would appeal to a teenage audience who enjoy the rock genre as it fits the stereotype.

I use an image of my model looking off to the side as I wanted to try and "break the fourth wall" by having it look like she was looking at the stories. I felt this more casual, informal appearance would help appeal to a younger audience who are looking for a magazine that could entertain them more than inform them.

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