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Q Magazine.

This logo is very simple and the fact that there is only two colours and the only real detail is in the Q means that the logo's colours can easily be changed and it is still recognisable even though it has been changed to fit whatever the genre of the magazine is at that point. The simple look and shape of the logo means it can also be easily integrated into where ever it is needed, and wouldn't look too out of place. The logo looks more professional and like that of a newspaper rather than a music magazine, and so suggests that it is aimed at an older audience.

NME Magazine.

This logo looks to be more focused on the genre of rock as the typography is very blocky and hard-edged, which may be more appealing the that genres audiences than fancier text and pastel colours. The red, white, and black are also colours associated with that genre, and so will stand out to an audience who like the rock genre when buying a magazine.

Billboard Magazine.

This logo doesn't have a blocky look so it, and is much smoother than the logo for NME which suggests a more pop-focused magazine, as pop music is associated with things that are more cheery and fun. This also explains the blobs of colour within the text, which are very bright and even though the text is black to stand out amongst whatever it is placed on it still has the element of cheeriness. These things also suggest that this magazine is aimed at a younger audience than other magazines.

Rolling Stone Magazine.

This logo appears to look like a more old-fashioned rock style, and follows the colour pattern of NME of black, white, and red that is commonly associated with rock music. The more old-fashioned font suggests that this magazine is aimed at an older audience.

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