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Preliminary task:

Front Cover...

When creating my preliminary front cover I had very little idea on how to use photoshop. As I rarely ever looked at magazines, I had little idea on how they looked, and so had the most basic generalisations. For example, I made my title the largest text, and included a barcode in the bottom corner. However, although I used a shade of aquamarine that matched the highlight colour Winstanley often used to link the two, I had little knowledge on how colour is usually used in magazine's, and so overused it. I also had no planning for my model or their outfit, and so it didn't really match my colour scheme or make sense in the context.


If I were to do it again, I would include much more text and many more of the common themes within magazines. Although it would not have the normal look of a music magazine, I believe there would have been much I could have mimicked to make my front cover look more professional.


For the title of my contents page, I included the same heading that I had on my front cover as I had wanted to make the contents page and front cover clear as part of the same magazine. The title of "Contents" was the largest text on the screen. My highlight colour was present far too much here, and if I had to re-do this preliminary I would have changed how present the colour was.


I feel as though the preliminary contents page was very bare and had little on it, and I should have included an image to break up the monotomy of the page.

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