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Finding a name...


Possible Magazine Names

I suggested these names as all but R (which would stand for Rock) were clearly related to music. As well as this, they were all very short and only one or two syllables, making them easier to turn into a logo. I believe the best names for the magazine to use in a logo would be Encore or Chord, as they link closer to the rock genre than the others. I believe Encore and Chord are also good to use as they have several letters with closed off spaces which I could use to my advantage in designing my logo. I believe using Encore might be better, however, as it would easily stretch along the top of my magazine without being too long while Chord is a little more square, and so would look unusual.

Logo ideas...

As my magazine would be sticking largely to the rock genre, I would like to somehow include something very stereotypically rock related like the 'Devil horns' hand as the hole for one of the letters or sharp, pointed lettering.

Creating a logo...

After deciding on the name Encore for my magazine as it was the most stereotypically rock related, and then used Adobe Illustrator to create my logo. I used the fonts Bauhaus 93 and Gill Sans Ultra Bold, as their blocky, sans serif look is easier to read and the shapes of the letters allowed me to easily cut the shape of the 'Devil Horns' out of the font.


I tried both fonts, but decided that Bauhaus 93 looked much more smoother and looked nicer with the shape, I then used the pathfinder tool to remove the space and tried several different places to move the symbol from.


I kept the classic black colour while I was making my font as I understood that it was clearer to read, and if I really needed to change the colour later I would be able to, which is why I stuck to one colour rather than several or a gradient. I saved the final results as both an illustrator document and a png file so I could easily change them if needed.

I decided that I would use the logo I created of the Bauhaus 93 font combined with the shape cut out of the O, as it looked as if the hand was coming up from a crowd at a concert. I only had one hand on the image as I felt that with multiple hands the text became too difficult to read, and was not as simple as I had in mind.

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