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Front Cover Production...

My front cover had it's title across the top of my magazine as it would be the first place the audience would look as well as to make it clear. To keep it clear as seperate from the rest of the text, I kept the font as the largest text on the page.

I chose the colour black for my title as using the same pink as my highlight colour made the cover seem overly girly and less like a rock magazine, as well as to make it stand out more.

I decided on using the same shade of pink for my highlight colour as was on the lips of my model so that I could draw the audience's eye towards the model's face, and vice-versa from the model's face to highlight particular details.

I placed the date and price below the magazine title and in line with the R and E so that it looked neat and orderly, and was easy to read. The use of highlight colour on this information kept it seperate from stories included on the cover.

The biggest font for the stories was on a quote from the main article, which was included to intrigue the audience into reading more of the magazine. This text was also in a seperate font to make it stand out as more important, and look more clear as a quote that is not part of the same sentance in the story.


I used the shape of a crosshair to draw attention to the main story, as I felt that using pink for the text looked too out of place and on its own, the text was too similar to the others without having a clear importance. The pink of the crosshair allowed focus without taking away from the clear black font or making the text look too different from the other stories. The crosshair is a stereotypical symbol of violence, and so fit in with the stereotypes of rock that I wanted to bring into the cover.

I placed the barcode and the text used as an incentive at the very bottom of the page as the barcode seemed like the least important information and the incentive could then be made large and clear enough to draw attention while still being clearly seperate from the stories. I also used the same font I used in the title for the incentive to keep some symmetry between the top and bottom of the page.

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